Sunday, December 28, 2008

It's Official!


According to the best podcast on movies in the world, Filmspotting, a majority of critics on the show rated Wall-E as the best movie of 2008! That's good enough for me!

And it really is. Wall-E is about relationships, about enviornmentalism, and about our lazy attitude to let others do our work for us and the consequences of that. The hero is a Chaplainesque robot who bears a strange resemblance to number 2 in Short Circuit, but is so much more charming, so cute, so caring. He falls head over heels with a beautiful robot named Eve, who has a terrible habit of trying to blow poor Wall-E up.

If you haven't seen it, please see it. One of my brothers doesn't care for it, so there is no accounting for taste, but I've seen it three times and liked it better each time.
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