Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Album #71: Outdoor Elvis by The Swirling Eddies

Sound: Garage band
Mood: Hilariously sarcastic
Important songs: Strange Days, Billy Graham
Song You Must Hear: Hide the Beer, the Pastor’s Here
Quote: “Coco, you seem awfully sad today… that’s more like calculated existential angst.”
“Be our friend, save us Outdoor Elvis; we have sinned, forgive us Outdoor Elvis… we might have to set a trap to bring him back…”
Notes: The best album of the genre of sarcastic Christian.  Usually such sarcastic Christians sound like bitter Republicans, but the Swirling Eddies (who is just a re-named Daniel Amos) make as much fun of themselves as anyone else.  And their typical target are money-grubbing televangelists (the chorus of “Attack of the Pulpit Masters” is: moneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoney(deepbreath)moneymoneymoney…”) which I greatly appreciate.  It is truly funny, and the songs are (usually) quite good.

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